What is Computer in English?
The Latin word "compute," which means to "calculate," is the foundation of the English word "computer." A computer in Hindi is called 'sanganak'. Generally, the computer is the one which makes your work easy or simple. It is not necessary that the desktop, or laptop is a computer, but all the electronic types of equipment that allow humans to perform tasks are computers. Like home, mobile, and smartwatch, all these come under the category of computer. Even an electronic bike is also a computer.
definition of computer
A computer is, in its most basic sense, a tool for computations. The most primitive computer used by human beings is nothing but the human fingers! Yes, man used his fingers to make the computations. Our decimal number system possesses ten digits because we have ten fingers. The man also used the bowlful of pebbles to perform computations, particularly before the invention of zero. For example, if you want to calculate 8 x 12 then you should make twelve groups of pebbles such that each group contains eight pebbles; now mix all these pebbles to form a single group, and count; and you get the answer. The Chinese did use the abacus to perform the computations. But all these "computers" were nonautomatic.The computer is an electronic machine, which accepts input data information, and stores it. By performing actions according to the retrieved input data/information, the result is displayed by the output device.
Welcome to the fascinating world of computers. Computers are not only fascinating machines but also very useful. Today, hardly any corner of our life is left untouched by banks, grocery shops, jumbo-sized departmental stores, hospitals, post offices, government offices reservation counters of travel companies, hotels, and everywhere we find computers.
Not all computers are visible. In some machines, small dedicated computers are fitted (called embedded computers) that are not visible to us. These embedded computers work behind the curtain. For example, you can have (embedded) computer-controlled cars, lathe machines, washing machines, televisions, and so on.
Types of computer
Among the visible computers, the most popular ones are Personal Computers (PC), because of their affordable price. We can broadly classify these visible computers into the following groups:
- Supercomputers (for example, Cray-1).
- Mainframe computers (for example, IBM 360/370).
- Minicomputers (for example, DEC PDP 11/45).
- Microcomputers (for example, Commodore 64)
- Personal computers (for example, IBM PC).
What is a supercomputer and where is it used?
Supercomputers are used in weather forecasting, nuclear research, and other exotic applications. Supercomputer means the great computer which is a very big computer in itself. Even though the personal computer is very popular in recent times, the supercomputer is much faster and ahead in computing power than the personal computer.
In a supercomputer, many microprocessors work at the same time, due to which the supercomputer is considered to be a computer with more rapid capacity, speed, efficiency, and the most memory.
A supercomputer can easily calculate around a fault in under a second. The speed of a supercomputer can be measured in megaflops.
uses of supercomputers -
Supercomputers are used for astronomy and cosmology. This computer is used in the major application areas of computational chemistry, computational engineering, computational fluid dynamics, condensed matter physics, geosciences, meteorology, biology, and high performance of complex financial and economic models.
Which is the operating system used in supercomputers?
The Linux operating system is used in most types of supercomputers. But in some supercomputers, apart from Linux, CentOS Linux, bullsx, SCS, SURE, and Cray Linux are also used.
uses of mainframe computers -
This computer is used by most big companies like banks, insurance companies, government departments, and companies where more information is stored.
Which is the operating system used in mainframe computers?
The multi-user operating system is used in a mainframe computer. In this computer also the Linux operating system which gives multiple user interfaces is used.
What is a minicomputer and where is it used?
The mini computer was invented in the 1960s. Due to the cost of this computer, it has also been named a mid-range computer. Minicomputer is also a multiprocessing computer because it has two processors. Both the processors do their work at the same time, due to which the speed of this computer is slightly faster. In mini computers also, like mainframe computers, multiple users can work together.
Uses of minicomputer -
Minicomputers are used for monitoring and storing data of universities, middle-class businesses, scientific research, engineering model, and industry. Some minicomputers are also used for entertainment and playing games. In the present time, such mini-computers have also been invented by which people can do all the small tasks of their everyday life. Like talking to someone, using the internet online, making pictures, watching movies, etc.
Which is the operating system used in mainframe computers?
The multi-user operating system is also used in minicomputers. The company that has a mini computer these days also installs its OS. Especially Android, Windows, Mac OS, and iOS are used.
What is a microcomputer and where is it used?
A microcomputer is a computer in which a microprocessor acts as its unit. This computer is smaller than a mainframe and mini computer. There are many microcomputers which are also called personal and minicomputers. Microcomputers were used in the 1970s and 1980s, but are no longer commonly used. Only one user can use a microcomputer at a time. The microcomputer is fitted anywhere comfortably.
uses of microcomputers -
Microcomputers are mostly used for calculations, household chores, and entertainment. Some examples of calculators, gamepads, iPods, mp3 players, etc., you can understand that now microcomputers are used or not at all.
Which is the operating system used in mainframe computers?
Mostly, Linux and Digital operating systems are used in this type of computer.
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What is a personal computer and where is it used?
Personal computers, however, are mainly used by small companies, families, and individual users. With the passage of time, personal computers have become very powerful and even big companies are now using them for getting done serious work.
With a personal computer, you can create spreadsheets (using Excel or Lotus), create documents (using Word or WordPerfect), develop database applications (using FoxPro or Access), design complicated machines (using Autocad), do financial accounting (using Tally), develop customized applications (using compilers of C, C++, or Java), send and receive an email (using Hotmail, Yahoo, Eudora Outlook Express, etc.), browse the web pages (using internet explorer or Netscape communicator), play the computer games, and what not.
uses of Personal computers -
Personal computers are used keeping in mind the specific area and work. Their categories are different. Such as home computers for homework, separate computers for use in the office, and computers for use in small-scale companies in the market, there can be many such examples.
Which is the operating system used in personal computers?
Windows OS, Chrome OS, Android OS, Linux, Ubuntu, Dos etc operating systems are used in personal computers.
computer functions
- The work of computers is data compilation, data storage, data processing, data output etc.
- The computer has been given the company of artificial intelligence.
- Computer capacity is limited.
- Complex and large tasks can be done easily by using computers.
- Nowadays every work has become computer-based. Whether it is about education or science or whether it is about any other field.
Computer features.
- The speed and accuracy of the computer are very important features of the computer.
- Computers never get tired like humans. Yes, but after a while, the computer should also be given some rest, otherwise your computer starts getting various types of errors.
- computer memory is very fast.
- The computer is also characterized by efficiency, storage, automation, etc.
disadvantages of computer
- A computer does not have its own IQ power.
- Unless a computer is given a command, it does not work. That's why the computer is the slave of humans.
- In the future, if computers have the ability to think for themselves, then humans will become slaves of machines.
How do computers work?
Computers take in data as input, process that data, and then output the results. In order to accept the input data and return the output data, the computer is equipped with various peripherals. The peripherals used for inputting the data are a keyboard, mouse, trackball, joystick, disk drive, tape drive, pen drive, scanner, and so on. A CPU, or central processing unit, is located inside the computer and processes input data before returning output data.
Today the popular CPUs are
- Pentium 4 (almost obsolete),
- Intel Core 2 Duo,
- Intel Core 2 Quad,
- Quad-Core Intel Xeon,
- Intel Centrino Duo,
- AMD Athlon 64,
- AMD Opteron,
- AMD Turion 64 x 2,
- AMD Sempron,
- AMD Radeon.
Visit the websites of Intel (www.intel.com) and AMD (www.amd.com) for more details. The peripherals used for outputting the data are a monitor, printer, disk drive, tape drive, pen drive, and so on.
Functionally, a computer comprises two parts-Hardware and Software. The tangible, physical parts (including the input, and output devices) of the computer are called Hardware, and all the data along with the set of instructions (i.e., programs) are called Software.
A word processor used to write letters, a paint program to draw images, and a calculator to perform calculations can all qualify as software. Some of them are essential for the computer to work, and some will have very limited use depending on the requirement.
A program is a set of instructions used to carry out a specific task. Programs can have a varied range of complexity - from performing simple mathematical tasks to processing huge amounts of data (including audio/video (multimedia) data).
An Operating System (OS) is a collection of software that manages the computer hardware resources. It forms the most basic and vital layer over computer hardware. Other programs reside over the operating system and use the operating system to perform tasks like processing data.
Windows OS developed by Microsoft is one of the most popular OS in the world.
Some important things related to computer
- A computer system is a set of hardware, software, data, and users.
- Computer size Type Processor Operating system ensures the speed of the computer.
- The data going into the computer is called input and the data coming out is called output.
- Data is converted into information by computer process.
- The conversion of input to output is done by the CPU, which is also called the controlling part or brain of the computer.
- Charles Babbage is called the father of the computer because of the construction of a mechanical mechanism for sugarcane in the 19th century.
- Integrated Circuit IC is considered to be the basis of modern computers.
- Dr. Aaj Ready is the first Indian to have done Ph.D. in Computer Science.
- The revolution in the computer field has come in 1960 AD.
- 2 December is celebrated as Computer Literacy Day.
- The new computer policy in India was announced in November 1989.
- The country with the maximum computer usage in the world is the USA, Japan, Germany, the UK, and France, India's place in this list is 19th.
- The first computer manufactured in India is Siddhartha which was manufactured in 1967 AD by a company called Electronic Corporation of India.
- India's first computer university Rajiv Gandhi University is located in Hyderabad.
- Aniek 1 is the world's first electronic digital computer Floppy disk was first made by IBM company.
- Nuclear tests on computers are called subcritical tests.
- JOSEPH MARRY was the first to use punch cards.
- A computer is a machine and all the devices attached to it are called hardware.
- Turn on the data or a systematic compilation of facts. It is divided into two parts numerical data and alphanumeric data.
- The information is the result obtained after the passengers process the data.
- The principle of working on a computer is called process.
- Numerical data uses numbers from 0 to 9.
- In alphanumeric data, digits, letters, and symbols are used.
- Data are converted into information by computer processing.
- The conversion of input into commissioner output is done by the CPU.
- Data tells raw facts, whereas, in information, data becomes meaningful.
- Micro processor CPU which is the brain of the computer is called a microchip.
- Most of the processing in a computer takes place in the CPU.
- The latest information used to run a computer is called peripheral.
- The shutdown key is used to shut down the computer. When the computer is turned off, the contents are taken out of memory.
History Of Computer
Literally, a computer means a device that can perform computations. The most primitive computer used by human beings is nothing but the human fingers! Yes, man used his fingers to make the computations. Our decimal number system possesses ten digits because we have ten fingers. The man also used the bowlful of pebbles to perform computations, particularly before the invention of zero. For example, if you want to calculate 8 x 12 then you should make twelve groups of pebbles such that each group contains eight pebbles; now mix all these pebbles to form a single group, and count; and you get the answer. The Chinese did use the abacus to perform the computations. But all these "computers" were nonautomatic.
Perhaps the first automatic computer was built in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickhard (1592 - 1635), a professor at the University of Tubingen; it went unnoticed. Figure 1.1 shows the original sketch of Schickhard's machine. Then came Blaise Pascal's (1623-1662) machine in 1642 which is now well known. Pascal invented and used a "ratchet device" in his computer. Pascal's computer is now obsolete but his ratchet device is still used.
You might have seen a counter in your scooter's milometer that tells you how much distance you have traveled, or a counter in your electric meter that tells you how many units of electricity you have consumed, or a counter in a petrol pump that tells you how much of petrol you have purchased. All these counters make use of a ratchet device invented by Pascal! Pascal's computer was able to perform only addition and subtraction. In 1671, German philosopher and mathematician Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) invented the computer that could handle multiplication and division as well.
After a pretty long interval of 150 years, an English mathematician at the University of Cambridge. Charles Babbage (1792-1871) proposed the "difference engine" in 1823 which was designed to compute the tables of numbers useful for naval navigation. It could run only one program. In 1834 Babbage proposed the "analytical engine" that was programmable. In order to write programs, Babbage employed Ada Augusta Lovelace (daughter of poet Lord Byron), who became the first programmer in the world. Unfortunately, neither machine was ever completed. But even today's most advanced computers inherit some of the features from Babbage's computers.
American scientist Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) invented the punched-card tabulating machine that was employed in the 1890 US census with great success. He formed the Tabulating Machine Company (in 1911) that was later (in 1924) renamed International Business Machines Corporation (now ubiquitous, IBM).
American scientist Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) invented the punched-card tabulating machine that was employed in the 1890 US census with great success. He formed the Tabulating Machine Company (in 1911) that was later (in 1924) renamed International Business Machines Corporation (now ubiquitous, IBM).
In 1938 German scientist Konrad Zuse built a mechanical computer but his work went almost unnoticed. In 1939 - 1944 IBM built Harvard Mark I (electromechanical & general purpose) computer that was designed by American physicist Howard Aiken (1900-1973).
In the late 1930s, John Atanasoff of Iowa State University with Clifford Berry built the first electronic computer specially built for solving simultaneous linear equations. Perhaps, the very first general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) made by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, at the University of Pennsylvania. Its
philosopher and mathematician Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) invented the computer that could handle multiplication and division as well.
After a pretty long interval of 150 years, an English mathematician at the University of Cambridge. Charles Babbage (1792-1871) proposed the "difference engine" in 1823 which was designed to compute the tables of numbers useful for naval navigation. It could run only one program. In 1834 Babbage proposed the "analytical engine" that was programmable. In order to write programs, Babbage employed Ada Augusta Lovelace (daughter of poet Lord Byron), who became the first programmer in the world. Unfortunately, neither machine was ever completed. But even today's most advanced computers inherit some of the features from Babbage's computers.
American scientist Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) invented the punched-card tabulating machine that was employed in the 1890 US census with great success. He formed the Tabulating Machine Company (in 1911) that was later (in 1924) renamed International Business Machines Corporation (now ubiquitous, IBM).
In 1938 German scientist Konrad Zuse built a mechanical computer but his work went almost unnoticed. In 1939 - 1944 IBM built Harvard Mark I (electromechanical & general purpose) computer that was designed by American physicist Howard Aiken (1900-1973).
In the late 1930s, John Atanasoff of Iowa State University with Clifford Berry built the first electronic computer specially built for solving simultaneous linear equations. Perhaps, the very first general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, at the University of Pennsylvania. Its
the money he earned in building more powerful machines and incurred the wrath of his partners. The computer world will never remember his contributions to the field of supercomputing.
In 1998, India badly needed a supercomputer, but thanks to sanctions imposed by the then-Clinton regime, it was not available for India. Undeterred, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, an Indian computer scientist and the then Director of CDAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune), went ahead with his plan and made a supercomputer - PARAM 10000 - for India. Because of this landmark achievement, the Indian computing community became a respectable community in shows tape drives and zip drives, which are input/output devices. Figure 1.8 (b) shows the tablet and stylus, which is an input device.
Hereafter, throughout this book, the terms "computer" and "personal computer" will be treated as synonyms. Also, it will be assumed that computer means any IBM PC that uses Pentium 4 or a better processor so that it can run Windows XP or 7. Your PC is a collection of several components working together as a team. Some of these components are required and the remaining are optional.
philosopher and mathematician Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) invented the computer that could handle multiplication and division as well.
After a pretty long interval of 150 years, an English mathematician at the University of Cambridge. Charles Babbage (1792-1871) proposed the "difference engine" in 1823 which was designed to compute the tables of numbers useful for naval navigation. It could run only one program. In 1834 Babbage proposed the "analytical engine" that was programmable. In order to write programs, Babbage employed Ada Augusta Lovelace (daughter of poet Lord Byron), who became the first programmer in the world. Unfortunately, neither machine was ever completed. But even today's most advanced computers inherit some of the features from Babbage's computers.
American scientist Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) invented the punched-card tabulating machine that was employed in the 1890 US census with great success. He formed the Tabulating Machine Company (in 1911) that was later (in 1924) renamed International Business Machines Corporation (now ubiquitous, IBM).
In 1938 German scientist Konrad Zuse built a mechanical computer but his work went almost unnoticed. In 1939 - 1944 IBM built Harvard Mark I (electromechanical & general purpose) computer that was designed by American physicist Howard Aiken (1900-1973).
In the late 1930s, John Atanasoff of Iowa State University with Clifford Berry built the first electronic computer specially built for solving simultaneous linear equations. Perhaps, the very first general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) built by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, at the University of Pennsylvania. Its
the money he earned in building more powerful machines and incurred the wrath of his partners. The computer world will never remember his contributions to the field of supercomputing.
In 1998, India badly needed a supercomputer, but thanks to sanctions imposed by the then-Clinton regime, it was not available for India. Undeterred, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, an Indian computer scientist and the then Director of CDAC (Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Pune), went ahead with his plan and made a supercomputer - PARAM 10000 - for India. Because of this landmark achievement, the Indian computing community became a respectable community in shows tape drives and zip drives, which are input/output devices. Figure 1.8 (b) shows the tablet and stylus, which is an input device.
Hereafter, throughout this book, the terms "computer" and "personal computer" will be treated as synonyms. Also, it will be assumed that computer means any IBM PC that uses Pentium 4 or a better processor so that it can run Windows XP or 7. Your PC is a collection of several components working together as a team. Some of these components are required and the remaining are optional.
The required components are the
- system unit,
- monitor,
- keyboard,
- hard disk drive.
The optional components are:
- a mouse,
- printer,
- scanner,
- floppy disk drive,
- CD/DVD drive, and
- tape drive.
However, it is a memorable exercise to use a computer that is devoid of a CD drive and mouse.
conclusion of what is a computer
A computer is a universal machine that is used by everyone nowadays. Whether it is a watch, mobile or electronic bike, computers are used in all of them. In present times life is half incomplete without a computer. In the field of education, in the field of geography, and in the field of science, computers are used everywhere and also for personal use. There are many types of computers. There are many features of the computer, but there are some shortcomings of the computer. Not all people can use computers as English is the most computer language. Those who have good knowledge of English only can use the computer properly. Learning computers has become very easy nowadays due to online studies. Right now you are reading our posts online on any blog or website. I hope you have liked the brief information given by me about computers. If you like the computer information shared with me, then comment to us and if you have any questions related to it, then you can also mail us at our email address. Thank you.